Tiger Process

I’ve been entirely focused on my work for my MA at the moment, and it hasn’t left me much time to do any personal work. But a few weeks ago, before deadlines began looming on the horizon, I drew a young prince riding a tiger through the jungle. This illustration was just an excuse to practice drawing trees and wildlife, plus I love drawing children with large animals - probably because I wish I had a huge cat to curl up with sometimes. I thought it might be interesting to post a few stages of my process, which is something I’m trying to remember to document. For this illustration I drew the initial image in pencil before scanning it in and colouring on ProCreate. There are a few random ink textures in there as well that I created in my sketchbook a while back and scanned in to add some more interesting dimensions - you can see them most clearly in the middle image on the tree trunks. I’m still experimenting with textures at the moment, and sometimes they work, sometimes they look awkward…I’m still working out what I like best.

TIger Sketch.jpg
Halfway point.jpg
Tiger Jungle233.jpg